Friday, October 10, 2014

Catching up on the blog

Mile Marker 1422 End of the Alaskan Highway
       It's been quite a year in Alaska.  Barely enough time to write in this blog.  I will do better over the winter. I've been all over South Central Alaska, driven most of the road system and from Philadelphia back to Alaska.

Alaskan Pipeline over the Tenana River near Delta
        I've hiked to remote clear mountain lakes and mountain passes this year.  I've passed through Dawson City in the Yukon Territory and Chicken, Alaska, fished for halibut in the Gulf of Alaska.

Denali National Park Front Country
      Two sets of family visited over the summer and I loved playing tour guide.  I skipped rocks into the Prince William Sound and explored old Valdez that was destroyed in the 1964 earthquake.  I hope to return to Valdez next year.
Along the Tok Cutoff Labor Day weekend
     Snow came early as a trip north proved.  The destination was Eagle, Alaska but camping in 30 degrees didn't sound like fun.  I've driven 150 miles of dirt road through the middle of nowhere.  I will talk about these trips and more in coming entries.

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