Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Out of PA

I left home today and started driving around one o'clock.  My home is on the ridge in the picture of Dewey Hollow above.  After much running around (including breaking into the neighbors garage to fill their beer fridge) and winterizing the house, the car left the driveway.  Last night was spent packing a pared down version of my life into the car.  It all fit amazingly enough and I proclaimed myself to be an expert at real life Tetris.  However, the back of the car is riding about three inches lower.

The drive was uneventful.  After a stop in Coudersport, PA for gas and at PCO to drop off my handguns for shipment, the route over Rock City into Olean, NY went quick.  Through NY, PA then Ohio and a stop for the tonight in Sandsuky, Ohio.  Tomorrow is a long day of driving in an attempt to make it to South Dakota.

1 comment:

  1. We never got that far did we... :(
    That's ok.. There's always tomorrow!!!
